Sexual Harassment Reporting
To report sexual harassment, please click the reporting button below to send this information directly to the corporate office.
Report Harassment
Additionally, you may also report to the following agencies
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Illinois law requires employers to provide all employees with the follow training. The materials herein are those provided as a model training program by the State of Illinois. The most proficient tool against sexual harassment is prevention. Please listen to the following instructional clips and or read the same materials in the provide PDF.
Part 1 - The Contexts of Sexual Harassment
Part 2 - Types of Sexual Harassment
Part 3 - Reporting Sexual Harassment
Part 4 - Employer Responsibilities
A text document of all materials covered in the videos is available HERE
Download PDF
To complete the training, click the certify button below.
Complete Training
If you need further assistance or would like to speak to someone in person, click the button below to send us your request.